Our team works on several different projects every year. Now that 2018 is coming to a close, we thought we would take a step back and share some of our favorite projects from the past year. For the next month, we’ll be posting our favorite projects from each of our departments, so stay tuned. This week, our focus is on our video teams, both in Nashville and Saint Louis, and some of the amazing work they have done this year.
Healthstream – Continuum
For “Continuum,” HealthStream wanted to tap into the emotional and human element behind their non-acute work, which is not always an easy task. This was an amazing opportunity to flex our creative muscles from both a visual and a scripting perspective and craft together a brand story for HealthStream Continuum. We decided to shoot this project on Hawk Anamorphic lenses to create a wide, cinematic, and beautiful frame that would create a familiar and emotional connection with the viewer.
TN Score: “Growing Up”
“Growing Up” was an exciting project from the start with the opportunity to capture real students of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds in order to ground the client’s message in realism while speaking to the current educational needs and gaps we are currently faced within the state of Tennessee. TN SCORE trusted us with a lot of visual creative liberty during the process, and we came up with an additional visual element of combining multiple frames of still, 120mm photography film in order to produce stop-motion, “gif”-like sequences that intercut with the video footage. Also, our beloved Senior Editor, Sam Medert, was able to make his debut as the VoiceOver talent since the client loved his “temporary” reads of the script so much.
Nashville Sports Council Music City Bowl 2018: “Set Your Sights”
“Set Your Sights” is some of the most beautiful imagery we have captured at SnapShot. We woke up before the sun rose on our single day of production and captured half of the spot at sunrise, then bookended the day with a sunset shoot overlooking the Nashville Skyline. What originally started out as a simple concept of having two players ascend over a hill to reveal the skyline turned into an epic, gritty showdown between two college athletes working their way toward bowl season.
Saint Louis:
Microsoft Education: Educator Spotlight
Earlier this year, Microsoft Education asked us to help share the story of a wonderful, forward-thinking teacher in Washington D.C. named Merlyne Graves. Merlyne is a teacher who won’t settle for the status quo, even if the odds are stacked against her, and she’s done an outstanding job utilizing OneNote, Immersive Reader, and Learning Tools in her classroom to provide personalized learning. We spent two days getting to know Merlyne and her students, and we have to say that we are better because of it. Amazing things are happening in so many schools throughout the world, and we’re honored to be able to help the world witness them.
Wheeler Machinery Co. – Mobile Lube Service
We work with a number of Caterpillar dealers throughout the country, and this year, we had the opportunity to work with Wheeler Machinery Co. Wheeler has locations throughout Utah in addition to a branch in Nevada, so we went out and spent four days with the team in Salt Lake City with a goal to highlight Wheeler Machinery’s many service offerings. We spent time in quarries, the mountains, and visiting customers who had wonderful things to say about them. By the end of this project, we were able to create six service videos, a recruiting video, and a number of social media videos. This video highlighted their Mobile Lube Service division, and even though our shoes were a bit muddy by the end of it, we’d do it all again.
There you have it! A few of our favorite video projects from this past year. As you have probably gathered, each project that comes through our doors is very different, each serving a unique purpose. Our team as a whole loves to help uncover how we can make ideas and projects come to life. If you think you need video production in 2019, let us know. We’re ready.