
Why You Don’t Need to Be on Every Social Media Platform

There is a lot of debate on the topic as to whether or not brands should have a presence on every single social media platform. Want to know a secret? They don’t always have to be. There are a few reasons why we know and believe this to be true. Are you ready?

Your Audience Isn’t on Every Channel

This boils down to your buyer personas. Who are you trying to reach? Where are those people online? Are they even online? If you have the answers (and then some) to these questions, you might be able to determine which channel you should have an active presence on. Facebook is very much a business to consumer platform whereas LinkedIn is a business to business platform. For example, if your company is a chemical blending company (B2B), the audience you want to reach is probably not on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, but likely on LinkedIn as you probably want to reach the safety managers or compliance officers from different companies. If you’re a local retail shop (B2C), your audience is likely on Instagram and Facebook since you want to show off what you have in stock or what your new arrivals are.

You Don’t Have Time to Dedicate to Every Single Platform

It’s no secret that creating a solid social media strategy and plan takes time. Want to know what takes even more time? Creating relevant posts for each social media platform. To determine which channels you need to have a presence on besides from identifying your personas, are to figure out which channels you get the most traction from. Are people commenting or liking your posts? Keep posting if they are. What’s most important to keep in mind is that you don’t need to always post every single day either. Be sure to remember that quality is better than quantity.

The same goes for followers. Having a smaller following that engages with your brand more is better than having thousands of followers that don’t engage at all. We’re sure you’ve seen this. Some brands flaunt a huge following, but if you look at their page and see absolutely nothing, what kind of value is that for the company? Not a lot. In short, once you determine what your relevant platforms are, you should dedicate the time to post your content there. You should also make sure that the content you post is engaging and relevant to your target audience.

If you’re not sure which platforms your brand should have a presence on or if you don’t have the time to dedicate to your social media strategy, reach out! We’d love to hear from you.
