Our team recently attended and sponsored Digital Summit 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia. We were excited to go back again this year and meet up with our fellow digital professionals – marketers, designers, project managers, account executives, and sales people alike. The ideas and conversations that happen at this event are second to none, and we walked away with some extremely useful tidbits that we thought we’d share!
Here are our top 3 takeaways from Digital Summit 2016:
1. Most people know they should be using video, but they aren’t (yet)
If you are one of these people that understands and acknowledges the importance of using video in marketing and engagement efforts, but hasn’t yet incorporated it, you are not alone. The majority of people our team spoke with at Digital Summit were in the exact same boat. No one argues that video is not of the utmost importance in 2016 – there were 5 sessions at the conference that included “video” in the title, and even more that included content about video. The issues seems to be that video has never been put at the top of the list of priorities, when it should be. There always seems to be another project that should be done first, when really video should be incorporated into each one of those projects. Luckily, most people we spoke with were extremely receptive and agreed that this is the year to truly dive into video marketing.
2. Launching a new version of a website scares people
We get it. Almost everyone already has a website that they know the in’s and out’s of and are comfortable with. The problem that we discovered most people have is that it hasn’t been updated in a year or more, and both the messaging and design are outdated. Everyone we talked to at Digital Summit who were interested in learning more about refreshing their websites had one thing in common: Creating a new website is a daunting task and seems unattainable in a reasonable about of time. Luckily for them, and for all of our clients, we pride ourselves in creating sizzle reel quality work in a fraction of the time it takes other companies, and for an affordable price. Check out our Client Journey Map to get an idea of the process it takes to create a website – it’s not as scary as you may think.
3. Agencies are more excited than ever to partner with other agencies
Our team walked away from Digital Summit with lots of new relationships, not just with brands, but with other agencies as well. Traditionally if one agency approaches another at trade show, the conversation is short. However, we were thrilled to see that other agencies are on the same page as Snapshot in that they want to partner with other agencies. We are firm believers in partnerships and the value that they hold, so it was amazing to talk to other agencies who also feel that way. Everyone has their own strengths, and knowing where others excel is an asset to creating the best experience for our clients. United we are stronger.
This year’s Digital Summit is a wrap, and we can’t wait until next year.
Reach out with any questions or if you’d like to chat more about working with Snapshot Interactive!