
How to Shift Your Marketing from Defense Back to Offense

With many states making plans for phased re-openings of their economies, there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon that everyday life could start to soon resemble pre-COVID times.

Many brands have spent the past 2 months in a defensive state, making hard decisions about resources, work force, and walking a thin line of what messaging should look like during a time like this. Now, with a small light at the end of a long tunnel, many organizations are asking themselves if now is the time to go back on the offence with marketing efforts, and what that should look like.

Identify your Selling Point Within Today (or tomorrow’s) New World

We’re not out of the storm just yet, and won’t entirely be for a long time. Even when states reopen many businesses will likely remain closed or maintain WFH policies so what can your brand offer during this time that individuals or businesses want or need? Once you are able to identify the pain point you can help alleviate, customers will be much more receptive to your message.

In fact according to a March 2020 survey from Kantar, during this time 77% of people say they want advertising to “talk about how the brand is helpful in the new everyday life”.

Even if your brand may not be relevant now but could be on the other side of this (we’re looking at you salons!) it’s probably the time to start thinking about what messaging could look like when stay-at-home orders are lifted. At the end of the day though, if you don’t have a purpose to advertise right now, it might be better to abstain versus slapping your logo on a generic “thoughts and prayers” message.

Think About Your Calls to Action

While you’re probably itching to jump back in to increasing revenue numbers, reconsider the ‘hard sell’. If to the point above, you are able to offer a product or service that makes life better during this time and the months to come, you’re probably at a place where you can make statements relating to purchasing and be just fine. If not however, simply reminding people that they can still buy your product from their couch maybe come across as opportunistic and insensitive. Instead try offering helpful advice or other value add concepts to your current customers and alternative research options for new customers such as virtual demos/ walk throughs and no commitment consultations.

Pick Your Mediums Wisely

Having access to a captive (rather bored but receptive) audience does provide an interesting opportunity to brands. With the increase in internet usage, social channels have pulled ahead (well, Facebook and Instagram, sorry Twitter) so visibility there is paramount. Other mediums getting the lion’s share of eyeballs right now include cable news channels due to increased interest and obviously OTT platforms such as Hulu.
